Eric Brevik

Dr. Brevik is the Dean of the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences. He is a Professor in the Schools of Agricultural Sciences and Earth Systems and Sustainability. His research interests include human impacts on the soil resource, the use of soils to address questions in geomorphology, science education, and soil science history.
Boyd Goodson
Associate Dean
Dr. Goodson is the Interim Associate Dean of the college and a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Terrance Bishop
Recruitment and Retention Specialist
Terrance is the Coordinator for Student Success and Transition for the Life and Physical Sciences. He is originally from Denver, Colorado. Terrance holds B.S. degrees in Chemical and Biomedical engineering and a M.S. in Bioengineering all from Colorado State University. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about Science at SIU!