2019 News
July 19, 2019
US DOE renews support for Physics Research
The US DOE announced it continued support for Prof. Naushad Ali's research into Phase Transitions in Metastable Multicaloric Materials
June 18, 2019
SIU Professor elected President of the Society of Wetland Scientists
June 18, 2019
Geology Graduate Awarded GEOINT Golden Ticket
Geology Graduate Awarded GEOINT Golden Ticket
April 09, 2019
McMinn 2019 Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois
Madison McMinn, McNair Scholar and Student President of the local American Chemical Society has been named a Student Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois
March 28, 2019
Plant Biologist pubished in AJB
It's finally out, our magnum opus on the evolution of inflorescences in the sandalwood order! It was a long and winding road to get here, but satisfying in the end.
February 11, 2019
Physics Prof. Dr. Dipanjan Mazumdar earns NSF CAREER Award Abstract #1846829 CAREER: Thermal stability and scaling of nanoscale spin-electronic devices based on novel inverse-Heusler alloys.
January 31, 2019
Novel bacterium designated ‘SIUC-1’ likes it hot, may make history
Novel bacterium designated ‘SIUC-1’ likes it hot, may make history
January 31, 2019
Zoology student fills in data gap on duck hunter harvest
January 31, 2019
SIUC undergrad student discovers new microorganism
SIUC undergrad student discovers new microorganism